Church Finance
Money is often our least favorite topic in churches. We are institutions of the spirit and body. We are here to serve. But in order to serve, we must become a part of the world, and that means being a good steward of your church’s finances.
Why Do I Need a Church Budget?
The funds received by your church are contributions from your loyal members, given with trust that they will contribute to the church and community’s improvement. Having a budget enables you to monitor the flow of every dollar, pinpointing areas for enhanced efficiency and guaranteeing responsible spending. A well-considered budget also guarantees adequate support and funding for each ministry program, preventing any from being neglected.
The Benefits of a Church Budget
Track money coming in
Track money going out
Protects essential ministries
Models stewardship
Protects you from unnecessary debt
Allows you to invest in the future
How We Can Help With Church Finance
If you do not have a congregation budget, your consultant will help you create one. If you already have a budget, we can help you review that budget and find opportunities for improvement and streamlining. This includes:
Once you have a solid budget in place, we can also help you develop and implement strategies to improve your church’s income and donations, including:
Every church will have its own unique strengths and offerings for its community–these are just a few examples of the kinds of programs and strategies we help our clients create. CHC-PMX takes church finance seriously because, as gardeners, your growth is limited by how much you can invest in the soil and fertilizer in which your seeds are planted.