Conflict is a natural and inevitable part of any organization, and some level of disagreement can benefit a church. However, divisive conflict can hinder your church’s mission and ministry when left unresolved.
Our objective is to assist you in transforming organizational conflicts before they hinder your mission. The mere mention of conflict often evokes a sinking feeling, and it appears to be pervasive in various aspects of our lives – from homes and churches to other ministry settings, as well as in national and global interactions. Our team is prepared to lead your congregation in the healing journey of conflict transformation.

We collaborate with church leadership and pivotal stakeholders in the conflict, ensuring an impartial gathering of information regarding the church’s challenges. Utilizing in-person, video conferencing, or phone interactions, our consultants comprehensively understand the issues and their ramifications on the congregation and community.
After the assessment, leadership receives a thorough evaluation of the situation, with ample opportunity to address any inquiries. The subsequent phase entails crafting and refining an action plan to address the identified challenges effectively.

After the assessment phase, your consultant will work with you to craft a sustainable action plan tailored to your specific situation. This solution is developed collaboratively with church leadership, staff, or members, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness. Additionally, we focus on creating a long-term strategy for future conflict resolution and fostering a culture of unity within your faith community.
Our conflict assistance approach is rooted in scripture and family systems theory, offering in-depth coaching to individuals involved in the conflict and facilitating small- and large-group mediation.

Our Example
Throughout the Bible, God uses conflict to grow his people. Paul, Peter, Martha, Mary, David, and Jeremiah are examples of heroes who learned through the ache of failure and conflict. The letters to the early church are filled with instructions for managing conflict.
Conflict often leads to new and better ways of doing things. It is the rare adult who makes any significant life change without discomfort and pain.
The issue is not whether you will have conflict but what you will do with it.
Many leaders lack the time, energy, and sometimes the skills to effectively manage the conflicts their congregation may encounter. It’s crucial for church leaders to address conflict early and proactively to prevent escalation into divisiveness.
Our team of experienced consultants is ready to support you. We specialize in swiftly and effectively transforming conflict, allowing your church to realign its focus on serving its congregation and community.